SEGELTEC organizes and monitors exercises and drills in accordance with self-protection measures and legislation.
The main aim is to check emergency procedures and actions, to test human and material resources and, ultimately, to test the emergency plan and the entire emergency organization of a building or site.
The person responsible for security (owner, building manager, condominium administrator) must implement the applicable self-protection measures (including drills).
What do we do?
If you already have self-protection measures in place:
- Planning and organizing the drill at the facilities, including the selection of the scenario in question (type of emergency: fire, spill), internal elements to be involved, systems to be used, external means to be deployed, evacuation (total or partial);
- Monitoring the exercise as observers in order to evaluate the drills;
- Issuing the technical report (which will be integrated into the Safety Records) and which includes the improvement actions to be implemented
Where does it apply?
All types of buildings and enclosures under Decree-Law no. 220/2008